
In the last post, we discussed that as the pilot in command (PIC) of your life, it is important to establish a set of principles (virtues and morals) by which to live. For those principles to be effective, you need a clear understanding of your objectives (why you are doing what you are doing).

The “why” is fundamental to any highly, functional team or individual working at a meaningful endeavor. Below is the “why” that was foundational for our team of helicopter aircrews as we strove to function at a high level doing meaningful work:

“Operate our helicopters effectively and efficiently in service to others and to do so from a position of integrity – teaming with each other to harness our resources (helicopters/aviators/unique individual gifts) and skills (aviation acumen/proficiency/leadership) to fill a critical need – service to our loved ones, our shipmates, and a community that depends on us.”

The “why” example encapsulates an element that everyone needs in their personal “whys”… a challenge that harnesses a passion and collective craft to provide a service to others in need. If you can find something that harnesses your interest and gifts to fill a community need, you’ve got a great “why” and are on your way to operating from a position of integrity.

As an aside, you may not have noticed this website’s mission (our why):

“It is our mission to do work that optimizes our unique capacity to serve others. 

We will humbly play the roles assigned to us to the best of our ability, while empowering others to do the same. 

We will embrace the inevitable discomfort, uncertainty, and hard work as well as the joy, laughter, respect, and love that results from worthy pursuits.

We will continue to be students of “the game” and never stop developing as leaders and teachers in our community and world, as we cultivate our potential to serve. 

Spiraling up, overcoming mistakes, closing the game between who we are and who we can be.”

If you don’t have a “why” right now, consider stealing ours. In my humble opinion, our communities need more of these “whys.” – Spiral up

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