Establishing an Instrument Scan
Today, I will discuss jump starting the instrument scan when you lose visual cues. Other services use a more granular step by step process for establishing an instrument scan. The Unusual Attitude Recovery EP effectively delineates this process, and as such, some of our aviators harness it amid the IIMC “establish instrument scan” step.
For example, if you lose visual cues
- Announce Inadvertent IMC.
- Establish an instrument scan.
- Level the wings.
- Smoothly place the nose on the horizon (an accelerative attitude if you are in a hover).
- Center the ball.
- Adjust power to establish level flight (or climb if that is what the situation requires) – in low and slow circumstances this should be prioritized over centering the ball.
- Establish safe altitude, airspeed, and heading.
- External communication – as required.
I deem this a “best practice.” Consider using the Unusual Attitude EP along with the IIMC/lost visual cues EP and any other time you must establish an effective instrument scan (e.g., when procedures require you to “transfer scan to ESIS” or “establish safe altitude and airspeed”).