
Disclaimer #1

I need work! My wife and partner in this project sees the worst of me. She witnesses almost all the private instances wherein my words don’t align with my actions and, despite years of work, continues to endure my less than enlightened moments. I am still working to close the gap between who I am and who I aspire to be. I’ll never get “there” but I can get a lot closer.  As such, I write not only for you but, perhaps even more for me, so I can show up and be the person that I want to be for myself, my wife, family, and community.

Disclaimer #2

This is not my work. I doubt there is one original idea in this project. This work originates from authors, teachers, coaches, family, friends, and peers whom I have learned from in my life. My intention is to present their lessons in a form easily relatable such that, hopefully, their good work on me may impact others.

Disclaimer #3 

The benefits of the experiences I write about were not usually realized in real time. The lessons learned from the experience didn’t unearth themselves until later, sometimes years later.